Oregon Design Conference 2024
to May 10

Oregon Design Conference 2024

"Beyond Shelter: Confronting Our Housing Crisis, Together"
Get ready to participate in ODC 24!

The conference theme of ODC 2024 “Beyond Shelter: Confronting Our Housing Crisis, Together” will address the housing crisis, sustainability, and resilience through the lens of what actions architects can take to have a positive impact. Architects have a responsibility to consider their role and the possibilities that exist for their collaborative impact. More information will be coming soon on the state’s only conference on the practice of architecture!

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting - Cancelled
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting - Cancelled

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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COTE Digital Design Series - Oregon Architecture Awards 2030 Winners
4:00 PM16:00

COTE Digital Design Series - Oregon Architecture Awards 2030 Winners

AIA Oregon COTE invites you to the Digital Design Series on Wed, May 15 at 4:00PM. This will be an engaging, educational event that features in-depth explorations of two remarkable projects: Inn the Ground and Viewfinder Apartments. The architects for each building will provide attendees with inspiration and practical insights into two of the projects which each won a AIA Oregon 2030 Award last year.

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Thursday Roundtable - Illuminating the Path to Fellowship
5:00 PM17:00

Thursday Roundtable - Illuminating the Path to Fellowship

Join our EVP / CEO, Heather Wilson, as she presents the path to AIA Fellowship. AIA Fellows are recognized with the AIA’s highest membership honor for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society.

During the Illuminating session, you will learn about AIA Oregon’s Fellowship history and hear from some of our Chapter’s Fellows about the process and what you will need along the way. Even if you aren’t considering Fellowship this year, but think you might be interested in the future, THIS IS FOR YOU.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Emerging Professionals Committee Monthly Meeting

The Emerging Professionals Committee strives to create a supportive group for young professionals within the architectural industry and beyond.  They meet virtually every 2nd Wednesday.

If you are an architecture student or a recent graduate, join your peers to discuss topics and plan initiatives relevant for those early in their careers.

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4:30 PM16:30

CANCELLED - AIA Oregon Small Firms Exchange Program

Pitching Projects to Media 

Magazines, websites, newspapers -- getting your design projects in front of the right audience can fuel your marketing strategy and get you more of the right kind of projects. But just how do you do that? Join Oregon Home magazine editor Emily Grosvenor, author of Find Yourself at Home, for a frank chat about how to start collaborating with media. 

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MENTOR MADNESS Mentoring Program Info Session
5:00 PM17:00

MENTOR MADNESS Mentoring Program Info Session

AIA Oregon has been awarded a Component Grant from the National College of Fellows. Our Young Architects Forum (YAF) and National Associates Committee (NAC) reps applied for a grant to develop a new state-wide virtual mentorship program between the AIA Oregon Emerging Professionals Committee and the College of Fellows.

If you are interested in participating in this program, we are conducting an info session March 20 from 5-6pm to answer questions and provide more information on what to expect

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