AIA24 National Conference

AIA conference name update, future locations  

After strategic discussions with stakeholders and the AIA Board of Directors, the conference name for 2024, and going forward, will be the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design, "AIA24" for short (i.e. AIA25, AIA26, etc. for the future). The "A’ " concept of the past few years will be sunset. Learn more about the name change and upcoming dates and locations.

Lead the dialogue at AIA24

AIA opened the call for proposals to solicit the best speakers and content for the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design. This year’s event includes a Call for Educational Sessions and a brand-new Call for Tours that showcase significant sites and iconic architecture in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. The call for proposals closes on October 5.

AIA24 Call for Peer Reviewers
In addition to the call for proposals, AIA is looking for subject matter experts in architecture and design to review educational session and tour proposals.
How to apply
Those interested in being a peer reviewer should create an account to complete the online application. Applications are now being accepted until September 28, 2023. Selected peer reviewers will receive an invitation with instructions in early October.  Learn more >