Call for Nominations:2024-2026 At-large Representative to AIA Strategic Council

Call for Nominations: 

2024-2026 At-large Representative to AIA Strategic Council 

Nomination and Election of 2024-2026 At-large Representatives to AIA Strategic Council. 

The AIA Strategic Council (“Council”) invites nominations of individuals for the position of At-large Representative. 

Each year, the Council elects At-large Representatives to the Council, who will serve three (3)-year terms. 

These At-large Representative positions bring diverse viewpoints to the Council that might not be otherwise represented. This includes individuals from allied professions, futurists, educators, and others who would not typically be elected to the Council through the state component nomination and election process. 

The Strategic Council seeks nominees who align with AIA’s core values and can focus and lead the Council in its task of informing the Board and other AIA committees, task forces, etc., of the challenges and opportunities facing the profession. 

In particular, the Council is seeking nominees with a strong understanding of Equity, Climate Change, Business, Design, and Strategic Planning. To be the most effective Council possible, AIA fully embraces this opportunity to bring other viewpoints, experiences, and talents, especially those that have historically been underrepresented in the profession. 

Nomination packets must include: 

1. Nominee’s letter of interest, addressed to: 

Neal Angrisano, AIA 

Chair, Elections Subcommittee (2023 Council Best Practices Committee) 

2. Nominee’s resume 

3. Letter(s) of support from an AIA member or an AIA component 

4. Supporting materials as desired 

(NOTE: AIA National staff is prohibited from providing letters of support) 

All materials must be compiled into one PDF for submittal. The total packet length may not exceed 10 pages. 

Deadline for submission: 5:00pm ET, Friday, October 13, 2023. Send all materials as one compiled PDF, in one mailing/email, to