Message from the EPC Co-Chair


Evon Calabrese, Associate AIA
Emerging Professionals Committee Co-Chair

I would like to encourage you to attend the first annual AIA Oregon Leadership Summit, February 21, 2024.

At this event AIA members will gather in Salem, Oregon to learn first-hand about current legislative agenda items that affect the architectural community and the clients we serve (guided by the AIA Oregon Legislative Committee). We will also hear from members  and staff of the Oregon State Board of Architectural Examiners (OSBAE) and discuss the importance of personal and professional advocacy.

The Oregon Leadership Summit was especially designed to be an exciting opportunity for emerging professionals and new members. A new, member-driven concept, it gives you the opportunity to discuss ongoing legislation and meet the Oregon licensing board, which is no longer part of the licensure process. For members interested in public policy, governance, and local and national issues, this event is crucial to becoming a “citizen architect,” and you’ll have the chance to meet with your state representatives at the Capitol.

Not sure if this is for you? Join me February 7 for an informational session with my co-chair, Savannah Sinowitz, and AIAO EVP / CEO Heather Wilson. We’ll discuss what to expect, how to prepare, and how you can have the greatest impact on policies that shape your professional landscape.

 AIA Oregon is offering reimbursements for attendees actively participating in AIA Section or State-wide Committees as well as AIA Associate member Emerging Professionals committee members working toward licensure.

Reimbursement will be provided for travel to and from the event (from your home Section) and for one night hotel stay in Salem. We’ll also carve out some time to get to know each other in a more casual setting, so keep an eye out for information on an Emerging Professionals Social Hour the evening before in Salem.

2/20    5:00pm           Evening EP Social Hour

2/21    9:00am           Breakfast and Priority Issue Briefing (Salem YMCA)

            10:00am        Advocacy Visits (Oregon Capitol)

            12:00pm        Lunch with OSBAE and the Power of Personal Advocacy

                                    Event is scheduled to conclude by 2pm.           

I hope to see new faces as well as those of you I know are passionate about how we, as architects, can have a stronger voice for the built environment and the communities we live in and serve. Please reach out with questions! We would love to hear from you.

Register for this event here

Evon Calabrese, AIA
Co-Chair, AIAO EP Committee